
After a very wet summer holidays it is time for the kids to go back to school. For a lot of parents in Surrey this will mean adding lunchboxes to the daily ‘to do’ list.

Most Children enjoy a sugary treat in their lunchbox and as a parent it is nice to know they have something to look forward to when they are at school.

It is really important to remember that what our children eat and drink at school does have an impact on their teeth. Regular sugary snacks lead to bad habits, which in turn lead to dental decay.

We have put together a few tips to help keep your child’s lunchbox healthy and your dentist happy.

  • Limit Treats - The occasional treat will not hurt, but it is easy to get into the habit of packing a treat in your kids lunchbox every day. A couple of treats a week is plenty.

  • Be Treat Wise - Whenever you eat a sugary snack, the bacteria in your mouth creates acid which attacks the enamel on your teeth. It is the frequency of these attacks which causes decay.

    A slice of cake which is eaten in one sitting will cause a lot less damage to your teeth than a bottle of apple juice which is sipped throughout the day.

  • Keep Sandwiches Healthy - Sandwiches are a staple part of a packed lunch. It is important to try and keep them healthy. Avoid white bread if you can and keep fillings savoury where possible. If your child is a fussy eater and prefers jams or something sweet in their sandwiches, use the low sugar varieties.

  • ‘Healthy’ Food Isn’t Always Healthy - Dried fruits usually have a higher sugar content than fresh fruit, flavoured yoghurts have more sugar in them than natural yoghurt. Keep an eye out for the hidden sugars.

  • Drink water - Choose water over squash and juice, as mentioned earlier sipping on sugary drinks throughout the day increases your risk of dental decay.

Remember habits either make us or break us. Installing good habits in your children now, will give a lifetime of rewards.

Sooki Reeves