Suffering From Jaw Pain - Get Help From Cerezen!


At S3 Dental, we have combined with Cerezen UK to provide our patients with personalised bespoke device to help reduce TMJ / Jaw pain.  

Cerezen is an exclusive, therapeutic device which is custom made to suit you.  It is designed to be worn day or night, discreet enough to not be noticed, and is worn in the ear canal.

During jaw movement, chewing, talking etc - your ear canal opens and closes.  The Cerezen device sits within the ear canal and very close to the jaw joint and current research shows that it can drastically improve a patient's quality of life.


What Causes Jaw Pain?

Around one in six people in the UK have experienced jaw pain at some point in their lives, with women more likely to experience it than men.  It can occur at any age, but studies show it is more common between the ages o 20 and 50.  

There are a multitude of reasons why people can experience jaw pain.  Some are listed below:

  • Tooth Grinding / Tooth Clenching - this is when small movements are made whilst clenching.  It can not only wear away the enamel from your teeth, but also cause jaw muscle cramps, jaw aches, pain whilst opening, closing or chewing.

  • Temparomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) - The joint connect the lower jaw to the skull and problems with the joint or the muscles associated with can lead to sever pain.  The main causes are tooth grinding, an injury/impact to the jaw and incorrect posture, amongst others.

  • Arthritis - just like with the rest of your body

  • Dental Disease - impacted or unerupted wisdom teeth, or dental infections, abscesses can sometimes affect the jaw joint.


Common Symptoms

  • Pain, commonly around the jaw, but can be radiating to the cheek, ear, neck and/or shoulders

  • Restricted movements

  • Headaches

  • Noises, such as popping, clicking, grating when moving the jaw

  • Occlusion (how your teeth meet) - could feel different, not quite right.


The exact causes of jaw pain can be quick tricky to isolate, a thorough medical and dental history and examination can usually flag up an underlying cause however as the jaw joining is so complex your dentist may refer you to a TMJ expert where CT/MRI/ultrasound scans may be used to identify any underlying problems.



Depending on the cause and severity of the jaw pain there are many different treatments available, listed below:

  • Self help - soft diet, heat pads, massages

  • Medicines - over the counter painkillers

  • Non Surgical Treatments - a 'bite guard' made by your dentist to separate the teeth, Cerezen

  • Surgery - very rare, once other treatments have been exhausted a jaw joining replacement may be offered.

Whats different about Cerezen?

Visit for all of the latest evidence and research on how this revolutionary device can improve jaw pain.  Read and listen to patient and provider testimonials and if you have any more questions call your local S3 Dental practice to discuss whether it would be suitable for you.

Sami Butt